Logo Animal Genetic Resources of Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University


    Toda buffalo, a unique breed confined to the Nilgiri district


    Aggressive in nature and cannot be easily and tractable


    Medium-sized . Ash grey in colour and few cream-coloured.


    Two chevron markings in the neck region


    Horns are long and characteristically crescent shaped.


    Mean daily milk yield is 2.53 kg (maximum of 6.65 kg) with a high fat content of 8.28%


    Specific characteristics : high fat content in milk , resistance to mastitis, shorter calving internal, longevity and hardiness  


Quick Data


Species Buffalo
Synonym Nil
Origin Nil
Breeding History Nil
Breeding tract Nil
Management System Nil
Breed Society Nil
Phenotypic characters
General characters Medium size and long body with deep chest, Named after the Toda tribe of the Nilgiris.
Colour Fawn at birth and changes to grey, light grey (cream) and dark grey. In adults the coat colour is fawn and ash-grey
Horns Long, set wide apart outward forming a characteristic crescent shape or semi-circle. Thick at the base and tapering and sharp at the tip
Visible Markings Hump: Absent, Dewlap: Absent Udder : Not Prominent
Morphometric characters
Body length (Avg cm) Male : cm Female : cm
Height (Avg cm) Male : cm Female : cm
Girth (Avg cm) Male : cm Female : cm
Adult weight (Avg kg) Male : 380 kg Female : 380 kg
Age at first calving (m) 40-47 Months
Inter calving period (m) 16 Months
Milk yield per lactation (kg) 500 kg per lactation
Milk Fat ( % ) 8%
Population status Nil
Utility Nil
Publications Nair P G, Balakrishnan M and Yadav B R. 1986. The Toda buffaloes of Nilgiris. Buffalo Journal 2:167 -7 8. TNUVAS. 1996. ICAR Ad-hoc scheme on evaluation and conservation of Toda buffaloes. Final Report (1993-1996).Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Science University, Directorate of Centre for Animal Production Studies, Sheep Breeding Research Station, Sandynallah (TN), India


  • Nair P G, Balakrishnan M and Yadav B R. 1986. The Toda buffaloes of Nilgiris. Buffalo Journal 2: 167 -7 8. TNUVAS. 1996. ICAR Ad-hoc scheme on evaluation and conservation of Toda buffaloes. Final Report (1993-1996).Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Science University, Directorate of Centre for Animal Production Studies, Sheep Breeding Research Station, Sandynallah (TN), India.
