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Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University

Welcome to Animal Genetic Resources of Tamil Nadu

The state of Tamil Nadu in the southeast of modern India, shows evidence of having had continuous human habitation from 15,000 BCE to 10,000 BCE. Throughout its history, spanning the early Paleolithic age to modern times, this region has coexisted with various external cultures. The Tamil region has remained independent of external occupation.   The three ancient Tamil empires of Chera, Chola and Pandya were of ancient origins. Together they ruled over this land with a unique culture and language, contributing to the growth of oldest literature in the world. They had extensive maritime trade contacts with the Africa, Middle East, Roman empire etc., The Chola navy held sway over the kingdom in Southeast Asia.



Kangayam cattle are traditionally reared on grazing in dry lands kept as pasture land by farmers for cattle and sheep in the breeding tract. The pasture land is divided into many paddocks by live fencing of a thorny shrub. A system of rotational and priority grazing is adopted. Velvaelam trees are also seen extensively in grazing areas. They provide shade to animals in rest during grazing.

Kangayam breed derives its name from the Kangayam division of Dharapuram taluks of Coimbatore district. Broad forehead, black muzzle, short and erect ears, bright and elliptical shaped eyes. Stout and thick horns has been exported to Srilanka, for draft purposes


The state of Tamil Nadu in the southeast of modern India, shows evidence of having had continuous human habitation from 15,000 BCE to 10,000 BCE. Throughout its history, spanning the early Paleolithic age to modern times, this region has coexisted with various external cultures. The Tamil region has remained independent of external occupation.

The state of Tamil Nadu in the southeast of modern India, shows evidence of having had continuous human habitation from 15,000 BCE to 10,000 BCE. Throughout its history, spanning the early Paleolithic age to modern


The state of Tamil Nadu in the southeast of modern India, shows evidence of having had continuous human habitation from 15,000 BCE to 10,000 BCE. Throughout its history, spanning the early Paleolithic age to modern times, this region has coexisted with various external cultures. The Tamil region has remained independent of external occupation.

The state of Tamil Nadu in the southeast of modern India, shows evidence of having had continuous human habitation from 15,000 BCE to 10,000 BCE. Throughout its history, spanning the early Paleolithic age to modern


The state of Tamil Nadu in the southeast of modern India, shows evidence of having had continuous human habitation from 15,000 BCE to 10,000 BCE. Throughout its history, spanning the early Paleolithic age to modern times, this region has coexisted with various external cultures. The Tamil region has remained independent of external occupation.

The state of Tamil Nadu in the southeast of modern India, shows evidence of having had continuous human habitation from 15,000 BCE to 10,000 BCE. Throughout its history, spanning the early Paleolithic age to modern


The state of Tamil Nadu in the southeast of modern India, shows evidence of having had continuous human habitation from 15,000 BCE to 10,000 BCE. Throughout its history, spanning the early Paleolithic age to modern times, this region has coexisted with various external cultures. The Tamil region has remained independent of external occupation.

The state of Tamil Nadu in the southeast of modern India, shows evidence of having had continuous human habitation from 15,000 BCE to 10,000 BCE. Throughout its history, spanning the early Paleolithic age to modern

Animal Genetic Resources ( AnGR )

Animal Genetic Resources (AnGR) consist of a large number of breeds of domesticated animal and poultry species such as cattle, buffalo, goat, sheep, pig, horse, camel, poultry, etc. Due to loss of a number of breeds over time, conservation and sustainable use of AnGR has become important and urgent.
